If you're a school looking to get your program issue loans for students, Fortify needs to review and approve your programs. Here’s a guide to navigating the process:
Approved fields
Fortify supports programs in specific fields:
Allied Health: Nursing, medical assisting, and related specialties.
Building Trades: Construction management, electrical work, plumbing, etc.
Technology: Software development, cybersecurity, IT support.
School authorization
Schools must first meet certain criteria to be eligible to offer loans through Fortify:
State licensing: Schools must be licensed or authorized by their state regulatory body, unless exempt.
Accreditation from recognized agencies will support the approval process.
Certification of legal operation
If exempt from licensing or accreditation, your school must certify that it can operate legally within its state of incorporation.
Other requirements
Factors such as your program's tuition, the field of study, and students' typical states of residence may influence the eligibility of a program.
To get started, please reach out to our sales team at partnerships@fortifyeducation.com.